An open letter from black church leaders and allies to Christianity Today

…this letter serves as a statement in full support of Christianity Today, but this letter goes one step further to also serve as a rebuke to those pastors and leaders who are so outraged by Christianity Today’s response to the impeachment of President Trump.

Via Religion News Services

Mohler, prominent Southern Baptist, will be nominated to lead denomination

Campaigns for the presidency of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination are usually tightly scripted, polite affairs in which populist megachurch pastors are typically chosen. But because 2020 is a U.S. presidential election year, there was a desire among leaders of some of the denomination’s agencies and seminaries to avoid an ugly and potentially divisive battle over President Donald Trump.

By Yonat Shimron @ Religion News Service

Jerry Falwell Jr. said Tuesday that he is asking the FBI to investigate

In a Christian response to “love your enemies, do good to those that hate you, bless those that curse you, pray for those that mistreat you,” Jerry Falwell Jr. turns the other check and says Liberty University has hired “the meanest lawyer in New York” in response to a Politico article that alleges he “presided over a culture of self-dealing” at the university.

By Sarah Rankin and Alan Suderman @ AP News